I was reading Japanese GTR forum one day talking about R35GTR..............................
One guy was saying that after car wash, his car couldn't move at all....... and he have to call NISSAN for help to tow the car and fix!
Anyway, detail is that after wash, he wipe the car and park for over night and start engine, try to move the car but.........brake pad was stuck with disk rotors.......................I was laughing about this....cannot be happen....stupid...damn ass......(*_*)
Rusty pad!!!
But................It happen to me....damn car!!!!
Fortunately We washed car inside our workshop.......and wasn't big issue.......BUT Still!!
Talk to a couple friend in Japan about this incident, they say it's getting common in Japan and sometimes customers have to pay for that........................Stupid!!! Because of high compound pad material, get rust so fist and stick with disk in short time.
But..................If you wash your R35, after wash, drive around till it all dry up...........Otherwise it gonna be a big drama.!!